
Exercises to start your summer fitness period

MNA Life Style Desk: Summer is upon us with warmer mornings and evenings, now is the time to kick-start your summer fitness period. There is still time to get the body you want for this summer. Make the most of sunny days and lighter nights to get yourself in shape by following these exercises.


Say goodbye to a saggy butt with this one move exercise. If you want to have bottoms that are round and firm, this exercise is for you. The squat is one of the oldies but goodies when it comes to working out. It is a simple workout that does not require materials but works effectively, especially in the buttocks area.


To perform a perfect push-up, place your hands on the floor/surface, shoulder width apart with your fingers facing forwards. Slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows, keeping them tucked in alongside your body. Then push back up until your arms are straight. Aim to do as many as you can with good form and try to improve on this number every time.


Skipping is a great way to elevate your heart rate and get the blood pumping. Aim to skip for 30–90 seconds and integrate some squats, lunges, push-ups and planking between the skipping. This is a well-rounded workout plan that targets all the major muscle groups, putting you firmly on the road to the summer body you deserve.

Cycling for women

Cycling can be a wonderful way to exercise and socialize, especially in good weather. The women-friendly project called Breeze is a great outdoor fitness idea, which brings women of all ages together in local areas for guided bike rides, as well as offering advice and tips.

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