
Proper ways to clean ears

MNA Life Style Desk: Cleaning your ears is a good step to maintain personal hygiene. We often try hard to remove ear wax secreted in the ears. However, ear wax is a sticky substance that is secreted by the ear to prevent dirt, bacteria and other small particles from entering inside the sensitive parts of ears.

Wet cloth piece: Using a wet piece of cloth can help remove ear wax from the outermost ear canal. According to many ENT doctors (Otolaryngologists), it is not hygienic to remove ear wax from deep inside the canal. The dirty wax will come out and removing that wax is important. Roll a wet cloth and slowly clean the ear canal from the outer side.

Water: When you take bath or shower, make sure you clean with water. It is the best and healthy way to clean your ears. You can mix few drops of peroxide in water before washing your ears. If your ears pain due to water, do not let water enter inside your ears. Consult a doctor. Many people feel dizzy or suffer from ear pain due to cold water.

Ear buds: This is one of the most commonly used and a healthy ways to clean ear wax. But be very careful while rolling the ear bud in the ear canal. You might end up pushing ear wax inside rather than taking it out. Be gentle while cleaning your ears with ear buds. Little carelessness can be harmful and you can hurt your eardrum. To be on the safer side, avoid going deeper into the ear canal. Clean from the outside.


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