Tag Archives: children

Mental health of children needs special focus during C-19


MNA Editorial Desk: COVID-19 pandemic is still a life threatening issue around the world, including Bangladesh. For around 6-8 months, varying in different countries, the whole world is passing an appalling time. The pandemic is affecting lives in different ways – economically, financially, physically, mentally etc. The lockdowns have been lifted off at most of the places and most of the institutions; even public places have been opened. People are moving out of their safe shelters for different reasons and the life is coping up with the concept of ‘new normal’. But, apparently COVID-19 might have most negatively influenced the ...

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Rights of children during war: Dilemma of global humanity


MNA Editorial Desk: Proper physical and psychological growth of children is always desired for a better future of not only a particular country but also for the whole world. But if we need to name one curse, that will be acts of war, genocide or ethnic cleansing, which is destroying that scope for millions of children all around the world. It is not the case in today’s era only. It is rather a truth from the very inception of the human race. Children have been the greatest victim of any such atrocious acts. We should not desire or tolerate such ...

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84 children violated in every month in 2019: BSAF


MNA Feature Desk: Some 84 children were violated in every month in the just-concluded year, according to a report of Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF). It said some 1,383 children were sexually assaulted in 2019. The BSAF revealed the report at a press briefing at Dhaka Reporters Unity in the capital on Wednesday. The report is the compilation of reports published in 15 daily newspapers. As per the report, 4,381 children were the victims of various kinds of torture. Of them, 2,088 children were the victims of unnatural death and 1,383 were sexually assaulted. The rate of rape is increased ...

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Over 19mn BD kids at front line of climate change disasters: UN Report


MNA Editorial Desk: Over 19 million children — a quarter of them under 5 — spread across Bangladesh are at the front line of climate change disasters, a UN report says mentioning that climate change threatens child nutrition. In 2018, 58.7 million children under 5 were stunted and almost 25.9 million were wasted in South Asia, the report says adding that more children and young people are surviving, but far too few are thriving. The government of Bangladesh will begin the second phase of its ‘Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan’ this year, placing greater emphasis on the needs of ...

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No child to remain unschooled: PM


MNA National Desk: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said the government does not want any children to remain unschooled as an educated nation is urgently needed to ensure ‘Golden Bangladesh’ as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. “Education is a kind of light…this light helps human being to flourish. So, no child should remain outside this light and that’s our aim,” she said. The Prime Minister said this while handing over awards to 12 meritorious students selected at the national level through Creative Merit Searching Competition-2019 across the country at her official residence Ganobhaban. She ...

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Male beauty quest highly alarming for fertility


MNA Lifestyle Desk: Scientists have uncovered an evolutionary paradox where men damage their ability to have children during efforts to make themselves look more attractive. Taking steroids to get a buff physique or anti-baldness pills to keep a full head of hair can damage fertility. It has been named the Mossman-Pacey paradox after the scientists who first described it. They say it causes a lot of heartache in couples struggling to conceive. “I noticed some men coming in to have their fertility tested and these guys were huge,” says Dr James Mossman, now at Brown University in the United States. ...

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36 children dead in Bihar due to ‘Acute Encephalitis’


MNA International Desk: Some 36 children died at Bihar’s Muzaffarpur district of India in the last 48 hours and 133 children were admitted to hospitals due to suspected Acute Encephalitis Syndrome or AES. The doctors, however, said many of the deaths were due to Hypoglycemia, a condition caused by very low level of blood sugar, reports NDTV. “There’s proper research required, but 90 per cent cases are due to hypoglycemia,” said Dr SK Sahi, Medical Superintendent at the Sri Krishna Medical College Hospital in the district. Most wards in private and government hospitals in the district are full of children, ...

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Save the Children expresses concern over rising violence against children

Save the Children

MNA Editorial Desk: The Save the Children has expressed its concern over an alarming rise in violence against children in the country recently. According to its own observation, at least 30 incidents of rapes, gang rapes, murders and enforced disappearance, among others against them, took place in January of this year alone. In addition, 28 children faced sexual harassment, it said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that even children were being made to commit crimes. The international NGO pointed out that it estimated the incidents of violence against children in the last month just on the basis of those ...

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App ‘Joy’ to combat violence against women, children


MNA Tech Desk: ‘Joy’, a mobile app on receiving emergency support to combat violence against women and children, was launched, reports news agency. The mobile-based Joy application software has been developed by Multi-Sectoral Program on Violence Against Women (MSPVAW) of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs with funding and technical support from the a2i Programme in an attempt to provide immediate assistance to women and children who are already and/or are about to be victims of torture or violence. During an emergency, the app user can instantaneously send distress SMS to the Police Super, Deputy Police Commissioner of the ...

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10,000 children killed, maimed in conflicts worldwide: UN


MNA Feature Desk: More than 10,000 children were killed or maimed amid armed conflicts worldwide last year, while others were raped, forced to serve as armed soldiers or caught in attacks on schools and hospitals, a United Nations report said Wednesday. A total of more than 21,000 violations of children’s right were reported in 2017 – a sharp increase from the previous year, according to the annual “Children and Armed Conflict” report. The U.N. blames a U.S.-backed Arab coalition fighting in Yemen for at least half of the more than 1,300 child deaths or injuries recorded in that poor nation. ...

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Parents’ arguments really affect their children


MNA Lifestyle Desk: It is normal for parents to argue, but the way these disagreements affect children varies greatly. Not only the relationship between the parent and child that is important but also how parents get on with each other also plays a big role in a child’s wellbeing, with the potential to affect everything from mental health to academic success and future relationships. But there is the chance for some good to come out of a “positive” row. In most cases, arguments will have little or no negative effects for children. But when parents shout and are angry with ...

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Protecting children’s rights in BD: Reality lies far from expectation


MNA Editorial Desk: Children are the creator’s most precious gift to mankind and most precious as future of a nation depends on them. We need to protect them from all adverse situations to the best of our ability. Children cannot fight alone for their rights. They are dependent on the adults for that. Hence, children’s rights are one of the most discussed areas of human rights as well all around the world. Children have several rights including that to special protection. Food, healthcare, education etc but they remain vulnerable to adversities through a good part of their lives. Therefore, it’s ...

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Importance of understanding child’s behavior


MNA Life Style Desk: Understanding your children is one of the most important things that you should learn as a parent. It is very helpful in becoming effective in guiding and nurturing your child as they grow and mature. You need to bear in mind that your child has a unique personality trait that remains consistent throughout life. Overall behavior Children often show us they are having a problem through their behavior rather than words. If your child is acting out and getting into trouble often, it is a clue that something needs to be problem-solved or that they need ...

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20th International Children’s Film Festival 2017 held at Hyderabad


MNA Culture & Entertainment Desk: The children cheered and hollered ‘shaktiman’ as Mukesh Khanna, Chairperson, CFSI as was called upon the stage. “Children love to watch films especially made for them,” he said in his welcome address. He wishes for a time when “children’s day will become children’s week.” “My children’s day couldn’t have been better” said the noted actor Yami Gautam. She recalled a childhood memory of her first recital competition. “I froze when when I got onto the stage and ran away” she said. She lauded the little directors for displaying confidence of great leaders. Actor-Director Satish Kaushik ...

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Parenting with Religious Inspiration and Intent


MNA Lifestyle Desk: Religion is not really a choice rather an elemental part of growing up in any South Asian family. Transmission of prayers and rituals occur impeccably through demonstrations of devout parents and elders. Explanations are rarely offered, and questions are addressed with little more than, “that’s just the way it is.” It is likely to spark thoughts about the connection between religion and child rearing for today’s South Asian parent. A generation or two ago, it was basically unheard of for parents to consider when or whether they should introduce their child to God, but now these questions ...

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Stop Women Trafficking

Women trafficking

MNA Editorial Desk: Women trafficking are at present a big global issue. This trade results in unimaginable mental and physical abuse, loss of human dignity, violation of countless human rights. It is a modern form of slavery, violates national and international laws against rape, torture, abduction and murder. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in trafficking of women in Bangladesh.  Very little work has been done to understand the local dynamics of the Problem meaningfully. Trafficking in women features prominently on the global agenda both from human rights perspective as well as broader safe migration viewpoint. According ...

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Today’s Children Are Future’s Rescuers: Mir Mosharref Hossain


MNA National Desk: Today’s children are future’s rescuers.  So, everyone has to work for the children with fresh heart as was said by the Chairman of Mohammadi Group of Companies, Mir Mosharref Hossain. He made that address in the speech of Chief Guest of a drawing, rhymes and poems competition arranged by Nobodoy Shongho at Tajmahal Road of Mohammadpur at 11am of 26th March, 2017 on the eve of great Independence Day of Bangladesh. Mir Mosharref Hossain is all known personality working for the welfare of the children of Bangladesh. He has also been working as the chief sponsor of ...

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Global Crisis of Freshwater Resources


MNA Editorial Desk: While the amount of freshwater on the planet has remained impartially constant over time—continually recycled through the atmosphere and back into our cups—the population has exploded. Every year competition for a clean, copious supply of water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sustaining life intensifies. About 36 countries are currently facing extremely high levels of water stress, which occurs when demand for water far exceeds the renewable supply available. Some 600 million children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040, according to a UNICEF report released on ‘World Water Day’. The poorest children ...

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India bus crash kills 15 school children


MNA International Desk: At least 15 children were killed and dozens more wounded as a school bus collided with a truck in northern India on Thursday , reported news agency. The driver of the bus also died in the crash, the latest deadly accident in a country with one of the worst road safety records in the world. Police in Etah district subsequently confirmed via direct Twitter message that 15 children had died and said the number could increase to 20. It is not yet clear what had caused the vehicles to crash, although collisions are a common occurrence on ...

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Hawker of Cold Dreams


MNA Feature Desk: Eyes were dazzling with tears of about 250 cold wave sufferers of a couple of places in Dhaka City when warm clothes were distributed among them on Friday by the members of Nirvik, a non-profitable organization. Nirvik, a non profitable organization with its 26 members distributed clothes to about 250 street people under the title, ‘Sheeter majhe shopner feriwala’. The event was completed in two successive sessions in this cold winter. The first session was held on Farmgate Park at 11an sharp. The success of the event was assured when the van was followed by 80 children ...

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Understanding children is important


MNA Life Style Desk: Understanding your children is one of the most important things that you should learn as a parent. It is very helpful in becoming effective in guiding and nurturing your child as they grow and mature. You need to bear in mind that your child has a unique personality trait that remains consistent throughout life. Overall behavior Children often show us they are having a problem through their behavior rather than words. If your child is acting out and getting into trouble often, it is a clue that something needs to be problem-solved or that they need ...

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The tragedy of maternal filicide in Bangladesh

maternal filicide

MNA Editorial Desk: The tragedy of maternal filicide, or child murder by mothers, has occurred throughout the world and has become a topic of anxiety in Bangladesh at the recent time. From the past few years the country has been observing a sever tendency of killing children by their parents. Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent murdering their own child. The word filicide derives from the Latin words filius meaning ‘son’ or filia meaning daughter, and the suffix -cide meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. ‘A filicide’ may refer both to the parent who killed his or ...

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Government launch ‘joy’ to provide immediate support


MNA Technology Desk: The government of Bangladesh is going to launch a mobile phone app titled ‘joy’ to provide immediate support to women and children. Women and children will able to send message pursuing support at any emergency situation by pressing emergency button of the app. Pressing the emergency button the victims will capable to forward a message for help to national helpline centre (10921), police control room, nearest police station and three FnF (friend and family) numbers. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is going to reveal the application ‘joy’ at the 86th birth anniversary of Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib on ...

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Safety guidelines for your children


MNA Life Style Desk: You should feel it is important to lay down few safety guidelines for your children both inside and outside the house. If you are speculating just how to go about it, we have the answer for you. Keeping your kid safe at all times means continuous adult direction. It also means implementing a few important changes and rules that ensure your kid’s safety and well-being. Also, it is important to prepare your kid for basic safety steps in the event of an emergency. Teach contact details Your kid may be small but it is essential to ...

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Developments needed for primary education


MNA Editorial Desk: In spite of many successes during the past decade, major developments are still needed in order for all children to receive the advantages of primary education. In terms of access, the high enrollment rates achieved for both boys and girls do not yet equate to covering all the children in Bangladesh. It is currently estimated that there are more than 3 million out-of-school children throughout the country. Schooling opportunities are also very limited for some specific groups such as working children, disabled children, indigenous children and those in remote areas or living in extreme poverty. Even for ...

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Bangladesh is one transit points for human trafficking


MNA Editorial Desk: Bangladesh is one of the source countries as well as transit point for human trafficking. Every year thousands of people are trafficked out. In a study, it has been found that among the trafficking victims, the women and the children are in the most susceptible situation. The notion of trafficking is quite vital; the parameter of the term ‘trafficking’ is repeatedly developing in response to the growth or change of political, economic and social conditions. Human trafficking along with arms business is the second largest criminal industry in the world and the yearly revenue for this is ...

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Fight against child labor in Bangladesh


MNA Editorial Desk: While significant achievements in the fight against child labor continue to be made in Bangladesh, some 1.2 million children are still locked in its worst forms. Child labor in Bangladesh is common, with 4.7 million or 12.6% of children aged 5 to 14 in the work force. Out of the child laborers involved in the work force, 83% are employed in rural areas and 17% are employed in urban areas. Employment ranges from jobs in the informal sector such as in agriculture and domestic service, to jobs in the formal sector, such as in the garment industry. ...

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