
Find more time in a day

MNA Life style Desk: Make sure you’re using your time wisely. Follow these time management techniques to find extra hours you didn’t even know you had.

Time management seems to be an issue in almost everyone’s lives as there never seems to be enough time in the day to complete all of the day to day tasks.

Be efficient in all that you do

You should always be asking yourself “What’s the best way to do this?” Focus on doing everything in the order that makes the most sense. The opposite of this is multi-tasking, which you should avoid. When you multi-task you get distracted and don’t do anything well.

Manage your time

Really think about how you’re using your time. Write down your daily and weekly tasks. How does your schedule look? How do you want it to look? You have to look at this before you can add more in. If your more is that you want to work out but you don’t think you have the time, think about this. You have three options: before work, during work, after work.

Avoid the big day wasters

 Facebook, TV, surfing the web, and talking on the telephone are all huge “day waters” if not used properly. These are all great things, when used in moderation, but can become very addicting and you can seriously lose hours and hours of your day with all of them. Limit your “day wasters” to the morning hour of your day.

Avoid interruptions

Let your calls go to voicemail. Do your call backs while you are sitting outside with your kids or sitting in your car in the carpool line. Double duty! Turn e-mail off. Only check your e-mail in the morning, at lunch and at the end of your day. E-mail is a major interruption. If you are trying to work at home, explain to family and friends that you have work to do and will not be available between the hours of 8-4 but would love to hear from them after that. You choose your hours.

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