Tag Archives: partner

Refreshing your love life: Some expert’s tips


MNA Lifestyle Desk: As the weather changes and we enter a new season, it may be the right time to evaluate our goals and the things we hold nearest and dearest in our lives. That can include romance, as Australian relationship expert Melissa Ferrari reveals that sometimes even the strongest couples could use a little ‘spring cleaning’. Checking-in with each other’s feelings, throwing out gifts from old lovers, and potentially even couples’ therapy could help to fortify relationships. Ferrari suggests that couples begin by doing a ‘check-in’ to see where their relationship stands and what they need to work on. ...

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Help your partner to deal with stress


MNA life Style Desk: When stress enters any relationship, it has the potential to create distance, disagreements and disconnection. But by supplying a steady supply of support for your partner when he or she is stressed, not only can you help prevent your relationship from becoming strained, you can create a new level of intimacy that actually brings you both closer together. Don’t assume the top-of-mind topics are really the issue. Look beneath the surface. Retrace your partner’s steps to find events or circumstances that could have caused hurt, sadness, anger, disappointment, rejection or similar emotions. If you can be ...

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Bringing the spark back into relationship


MNA Lifestyle Desk: Bringing the spark back into the relationship can be a lot of fun, and it can make both of you feel like little kids again, but it does take some time and patience. The best part about a happy relationship is that the effort you take always pays you back a hundred fold. So stop worrying about what you’re going to get back in return, and just open your heart out to your lover. When you lose the spark in a relationship, it’s not always because both of you don’t have time for each other. Almost always, ...

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